Sunday, July 10, 2005

Candy Mandible stroke 1

Hello readers, or lack thereof...this is my first test post for this fresh new blog of mine. You'll forgive me the initial ramblings as I find my feet. I'll try to keep entries brief and succinct, and will not badger your daily routines with descriptions of my toenails and what I ate for breakfast (although this morning the croissant had a certain piquancy...)
I am setting this up to keep y'all informed about my whereabouts and whatnots as I begin an unforgettable journey through space and time. You will ask the question: " but aren't we all travelling through space and time?!" I will quickly change the subject and tell you that my initial plane flight takes me to Hong Kong on tues, 12th July at 15:00pm. And that journals like these are cheaper than sending post cards. Now, there will be exceptions, because we can all appreciate the charm of postcards from time to time. In order for you to recieve one, you must send your addresses to me so that I can begin my identity fraud racket AND send you said postcards!

Ok, that's it for now. Burble.


matt said...

have a great time there erik. your band ruled the other night btw.

have fun!!!

Becci Love said...

Yay Erik!

Hope you get where you're sposed to and don't end up in, I dunno, hawaii?


marla said...

planes are fun

drums in the night said...

Are you there yet? How's the weather?

Torshy said...

hey dude this is hanna- guess where i'm writing this from? hong kong central library... i'm flying out tomorrow and have a dinner date tonight BUT if you get this before 9am Thurs and want to have a coffee/beer Wed night late call me on 62390886. It's a HK number so you shouldn't need to dial anything beofre and from most hostel places calls aren't too expensive.
If I don't see you have a top time and don't go to Shenzen- we spent a night there and it's a scary place. Do check out Lantau, Causway Bay (where I'm staying) and the mid-levels for soem groovy bars.
What a shame we didn't coordinate sooner!
xx hanna